
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

What's it all about?

Culture affects everything: People, fashion, architecture, interior design, technology..... To name a few.
I plan on exploring this, and looking into how different cultures and ethnicities can be evident in the design and make up of these different features in society. 

I am going to predict two trends for 2014, based on a possible event that could happen in the next year...

If the developed world was to crash economically, resulting in half of all companies going into recession and bankruptcy, and the other half remaining successful and living a life of profound luxury, the following two trends may be likely to spread:

1 - Tribal Life
The bankrupt half of the population will no longer be able to afford fine materials and more expensive resources, therefore I predict that they will go back to the Tribal way of life, dressing in hand-made materials with hand-dyed prints and patterns. As this way of life will be completely back to basics, clothing will be textured; fur and knitwear will be worn for warmth, as well as for tribal identity. Feathers may also worn in head pieces for decoration. 
These trend followers will be living rough, making do and mending and building their own structures and clothing. 

2 - City Slickers
The wealthy half of the population will suddenly become more rich than ever. They will populate cities, where buildings will be tall, obscurely shaped and minimal in colour. Colour schemes for clothing will be monochrome, featuring metallics and plastic. As well as this, they will be tailored and tight-fitting, perhaps using materials such as leather or latex. The reason for a monochrome colour scheme will represent the darkness of this population; money would have turned this part of the population into jealous, selfish and conniving people, incapable of positive human emotions and are completely focused on their careers. Members of this population will dress similarly; going against the trend by being unique will not be welcomed -  people will not have time for imagination. 

Bfn :) 

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